Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Leave some morphine at my door

Been trying to figure out what's wrong with myself. I feel numb in the mind, I'm not even kidding. I may be right here typing this, but I can tell you half of my concentration isn't even here. Feels like I'm dying. And no, I'm pretty sure I'm not on drugs. Oh well.

There's a point in life when you get tired of chasing and pleasing everyone and trying to fix every single thing. It's realizing that you don't need certain people and their crap.

Do you ever wake up, realise nobody likes you, and I don't know, care ?

I'm writing you this because I know if say what I have to say to your face, I will probably punch you right now.  Fucking hell it hurts so much seeing things I don't want to see or know.

I'm just saying you know. GOTTA LOVE LIFE LIKE WOOOOOO (Y)